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Recognizing Child Maltreatment


$49 Enroll

Full course description


Join us for an informative webinar as we explore the various forms of childhood maltreatment and discuss best practices for assessing abuse. Childhood maltreatment encompasses a range of harmful experiences that can have lasting effects on a child's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It's essential for professionals working with children to have a comprehensive understanding of these forms of abuse and the tools to effectively assess and address them.

During this webinar, expert speakers will delve into the different types of childhood maltreatment, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse. Through case studies and real-life examples, participants will gain insights into the signs and symptoms of each form of abuse, as well as the potential impact on children's development and overall health.

Furthermore, the webinar will provide an overview of best practices for assessing abuse in children. This includes understanding the importance of thorough documentation, conducting interviews with sensitivity and empathy, and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to ensure a comprehensive assessment process.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, social worker, educator, or community advocate, this webinar offers valuable knowledge and skills to enhance your ability to identify and respond to childhood maltreatment. By learning how to recognize the signs of abuse and implement best practices for assessment, you can play a crucial role in protecting the safety and well-being of children in your care.

Join us for this important discussion as we work together to create safer and healthier environments for all children.

Acquired Knowledge/Skills:

Leadership, Communication, Advocacy,  Documentation, Interviewing


This program is offered as an asynchronous self-paced webinar and will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

What You’ll Earn:

After successfully completing this course, you will be able to claim Certified Public Health Credit from the National Board of Public Health Examiners.  In addition, you’ll be able to download a Credly Digital Badge. We recommend you download this badge and share it on your social media and showcase your new skillset and provide employers with a reliable way to assess your capabilities. These badges serve as a visual representation of your accomplishments and can be shared on social media, personal websites, or professional networking sites. Badges are distributed through Canvas Credentials. For more information on digital badges, visit USF Innovative Education. Instructions to claim CPH Credit and a Digital Badge can be found in the End-of-Course Module.